
“With everything I’ve done over the last 6 years for my pain, this [program] has been the most profound. Across physical and mental forms of treatment. I can’t put my finger on why it has had the impact it has but it has. The most noticeable effect of the program is being able to go and do forms of exercise that I had previously avoided because of fear and getting a response in turn that is a lower pain signal from my brain that says this is okay to do. Nothing has really changed structurally but something in my mind has shifted to allow me to do these activities now.

It’s hard not to have a fair amount of skepticism around something that feels so physical, but I think that ignoring this piece of the puzzle would shortchange the results. You can’t take the physical part without addressing the mental part.

My biggest complaint about the program is that it’s too short.”

“The whole program was exceptional in my mind because every week there was a new aspect. It was so well coordinated, and it seemed like a whole.”

“For the first time, I could stand up with less pain.  I’m getting stronger from the PT exercises.”

“Dr Kurz, you’re a doctor’s doctor and an inspiration for what every human should try to be”

“I now have more tools in my toolbox.”

“The visual of the pancake flattening… I’ve been doing meditation for years, but it clicked when I saw that… I never thought about the diaphragm moving down.”

“Pain response/ stress response was an eye opener.”

“Dr. Kurz, Dr. Sarno, and all other medical professionals involved in FINER are extremely knowledgeable, supportive, and invested in their patients. They have taught me to have more power over my pain. They have taught me that my brain is more powerful than I think it is, and that how I talk to myself about pain is so much more important than I ever thought it could be.”

“The only thing I use now to manage my pain is “FINER”!”

“I’ve been in 3 of the FINER programs. I consider myself a healer but lost my way before FINER. I can’t even begin to tell you the impact it’s had on my life. My cholesterol has gone down. I’ve tried more things in the past few months than I have in the past 3 years just because of all of the resources that are offered. I’ve also developed more compassion for myself and courage for my journey. It’s a wonderful opening that FINER has created for me. I’m doing things I haven’t been able to do before. Yes, I still have pain but it’s different than before. Anyway, I’m just grateful. The courage that you have as doctors to make this all happen is amazing. Thank you so very much, I’m so grateful for FINER.”

“Each session was “wonderful”, “marvelous!”

“The pain has become the background. I’m living my life and the pain is present, but I not focusing on that anymore. I think it was my focus of attention. And now, it’s there, but now I have things I can do.”

“I have used the diaphragmatic breathing and it has helped; I have also put mindfulness meditation on the schedule at work for the teenage girls that I work with. I plan to do tai chi and/or yoga.”

“This program has helped me immeasurably”

“Each session was very informative, and I found I wanted to read more information on each lecture. Most impactful ones for me: Mindful eating, Dr Isaac, Perlmutter and ACT.”

“This program taught me how to meditate (where I have been unsuccessful in the past) and have control over my breathing — which also helps the pain. I have even begun doing meditation on my own!”

“The concern and love comes right through Zoom.  I can only hope others have been helped half as much!”

“Dr Kurz thank you very much – you do everything, and you don’t feel it but when it comes to that one hour it’s like this is my hour… this is the me hour.“

“After being part of FINER 4 and 5, I have learned to trust the invisible process of neuroplasticity. I tend to be science based, I tend to be a very positive person, and I need to take pieces of FINER to help know myself and what helps me. I don’t believe anymore that medications are going to help me exclusively. I know that I need to take control of my pain and not put it all on a physician. I have grown accustomed to seeing physicians and assistants to my healing. I thank all providers and facilitators to come in on Fridays for this program.”

“I loved on Tuesdays how we ended with meditation. I never did meditation prior and on the first sessions every bit of stress came out of me and I cried like a baby!!! It was exactly what I needed.”

“SO grateful for this workshop! It has changed my life for the better in so many ways.”

“If you believe, you can cure. I’m so grateful to be part of this. Every Friday I write things down and say “this will help me.” I wish we can continue FINER.”

“I don’t feel as alone.”

“In my case, changing my thoughts pattern seem to be the key to changing my habits. I think these concepts on how to change my response to the stresses is the precursor to more consistent habit change.”

“Meditation, how it can change the brain and make lasting changes. Yes the breathing.”

“Yoga with Trish Hart was great.”

“At the beginning of this program, I knew that I needed to make lifestyle changes. Habits are hard to break, but the support and empowerment that I’ve been offered in the FINER program have helped me to realize that I have power more over my pain than I ever realized. I’ve been able to increase my activities using positive thinking and being realistic with my goals. After learning how much nutrition affects pain, I’ve been able to alter my diet and cut down on my favorite things- such as soda/sugar/carbs. Although I’ve tried to do these things in the past, I’ve actually had success while in the FINER program due to the overwhelming support that I feel by this program.”

“Grateful for everybody’s commitment and effort.”

“Empowered Relief is very helpful. 
I’ve done the FINER program a few times. Brain loves repetition but in far as incorporating everything, you have to include compassion and flexibility. It’s not always about checking things off, sometimes you have to go backwards or sideways and take things as they come without being too judging of yourself or others.

I’ve learned so much from the other people in the group.”

The Tuesday evenings smaller group was also very helpful in learning and understanding the topics covered on Fridays, a lot of people are shy to speak out in a large group, A key element for me, has been learning from other participants.  It’s like seeing friends who really and truly get it, which is very hard to find in day to day, it’s almost a relief, and the time we’re together, even virtually, actually does relieve my pain in the moment.  I truly hope this program continues.”

“All the lectures I loved but it was amazing to know I am not alone and to be part of a group who is dealing with the same thing. Thank you.”

“I went walking around my neighborhood I felt ok. I was like “maybe I can do this every day. It was a little scary at first but then I thought, ‘yeah, I can do it’.”

“Since Dr. Sarno’s talk, I’ve been cutting down on sugar and really concentrating on mindful eating. Thank you for that lecture.”

“All the lectures I loved but it was amazing to know I am not along and to be part of a group who is dealing with the same thing. Thank you.”

“Not only do I feel supported (as opposed to ostracized) in my journey with chronic pain, but this program has helped me to feel empowered over my pain.”

“I learned so much from each session and the follow-up resources. I have never felt better in over 10 years of pain-related symptoms.  I have a much better understanding of my pain and feel confident I can live life to the fullest and practice self care.”

“I would need a while to tell you what the program has done for me.  It was exactly what I needed!  One very good ex. – my A1C was down to normal in blood work done yesterday AND I have lost ten lbs. in 12 wks.  My approach to pain is so empowered!  I am doing everything I can to affect it, through the help I have gotten.”